United States
Local services
Emergency services
Dial 911 for emergency assistance.
Consular assistance
Washington - Embassy of Canada
Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia.
Appointment Book your appointment onlineAtlanta - Consulate General of Canada
Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee.
Boston - Consulate General of Canada
Chicago - Consulate General of Canada
Illinois, Indiana (Jasper, Lake, Laporte, Newton, and Porter counties), Kansas City, Kansas, Missouri, Wisconsin.
Dallas - Consulate General of Canada
Denver - Consulate General of Canada
Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Utah, Wyoming.
Detroit - Consulate General of Canada
Indiana (excluding Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Newton and Porter counties), Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio.
Honolulu - Consulate General of Australia
Los Angeles - Consulate General of Canada
Arizona, Nevada, Southern California
Appointment Book your appointment onlineMiami - Consulate General of Canada
Florida, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands
Minneapolis - Consulate General of Canada
New York - Consulate General of Canada
Bermuda, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York State and Pennsylvania.
Appointment Book your appointment onlineSan Francisco - Consulate General of Canada
Northern California, Guam, Hawaii.
Appointment Book your appointment onlineSeattle - Consulate General of Canada
Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington.
For emergency consular assistance, call the Embassy of Canada to the United States, in Washington, and follow the instructions. At any time, you may also contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa.
You may call the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa toll-free at 1-888-949-9993.
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