Travel health kit

Why should I take a health kit when travelling?

A basic travel health kit is important no matter where you travel. First aid supplies and medications may not always be readily available in other countries or may be different from those available in Canada.

A good travel health kit contains enough supplies to prevent illness, handle minor injuries and illnesses, and manage pre-existing medical conditions for longer than the duration of your trip.

What should I pack in my travel health kit?

Basic first aid items

It is essential to know how and when to use the first aid supplies in your kit. You may consider taking a first aid course before you travel.

You may want to include:

Travelling with medications

Discuss the use of medications with your health care provider before departure and carefully follow the directions for use, including dosage and when to seek medical care. Bring more than enough medication to last your entire trip. Consult our Travelling with medications and What you can bring on a plane pages for more information.

Here is a basic list of medications to be included in your travel health kit:

Other items

You may include these items depending on personal preference, destination, and activities:

Contact card

Carry a card with the following information in case of a medical emergency:

Before you go, don’t forget to register with the Registration of Canadians Abroad service and stay connected to Canada in case of an emergency abroad or at home. 

Proof of your insurance coverage

Always carry proof of your health insurance coverage when travelling. Consult our page on travel insurance for more information. 

Immunization record

Carry a copy of your immunization record in your travel health kit. Include your original International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis for yellow fever, if you have one.

For a printer-friendly travel health kit checklist, click here.

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