Conversion therapy outside Canada

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It is illegal to bring or send a minor under 18 years of age outside of Canada for them to undergo conversion therapy in another country. Anyone taking a child to another country for that purpose could be prosecuted under Canadian law.

Getting immediate help

If you’re in Canada and you think you'll be taken to another country for conversion therapy, avoid leaving Canada. Contact a person you trust to help you.

If you’re at the airport about to be taken outside Canada, try to report your situation, if you can do so without putting yourself in danger. For example, try to tell the security agents during security screening or airline officials before boarding the plane.

If you're at a land border inform the border officer if you can do so safely.

If you’re in another country, contact us for help if you can do so without putting yourself in danger.

If you have undergone conversion therapy outside Canada, see a lawyer about options available to you.

Canadians in another country

If you or someone you know is Canadian and might be subjected to conversion therapy in another country:

Any information you give them will remain confidential under the Privacy Act (Justice Canada).

Learn more about our Consular Policy Regarding the Use and Disclosure of Personal Information.

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