Severe storms outside Canada

Severe storms, such as hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, monsoons and tornados, can happen anywhere at any time and sometimes occur with little warning.

On this page

Potential impacts of a storm on your destination

Severe storms can produce extreme winds, electrical storms, torrential rains, high waves, flash floods and landslides, depending on the type of storm and where they occur. They can lead to significant loss of life and damage to infrastructure inland or along coastlines.

Some areas, including small islands, may be cut off for extended periods.

Severe storms can, in exceptional circumstances, fan existing wildfires, even hundreds of kilometres away.

Essential services can be disrupted. Affected services could include medical care, transportation, power distribution, telecommunications networks and supplies of water, food and fuel.

You could become stranded for a long time waiting for flights to resume and roads to reopen.

Our ability to help you may become limited.

When and where severe storms might occur

To find out whether your destination is prone to severe storms and what time of year they are most likely to occur, consult Travel Advice and Advisories.

Before you go

While you're away

If your destination is affected by a storm

Before the storm

During the storm

If you have to shelter in place:

If you have to evacuate:

After the storm

Even after you get an official message that the storm is over, there can still be danger and safety hazards in your area:

Related links

Other resources

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